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On the afternoon of May 30, the fifth Electromagnetic Compatibility Lecture Hall system-level special forum invites you to talk about the future of the industry!


From May 28 to 30, the "2024 Automotive Software and Communication Conference" will be held in Suzhou Shishan International Convention Center. As one of the organizers of the conference, Rflight will hold a "System-level Electromagnetic Compatibility Forum" at the sub-forum 6" The 5th Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility Lecture Hall "on May 30, 14:00-17:00. The forum invited experts from Southeast University, China Ship Research and Design Center, National University of Defense Technology, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Weapon 201 Institute, CLP 14 Institute, China Metrology Institute and other fields to jointly explore the broad application of system-level electromagnetic compatibility in low altitude, unmanned equipment, special equipment and other fields!


On the morning of the same day, there will also be a number of experts to share with you a number of issues in the direction of automotive electromagnetic compatibility.

Guide single position

Jiangsu Department of Industry and Information Technology

National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Technology

Main office single position

China Inspection China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., LTD

Conference introduction

With the theme of "Communication Paving, software Enabling, Intelligent Future, Building a New Era of Automobiles", the 2024 Automotive Software and Communication Conference will conduct in-depth discussions in the fields of automobile going to sea, vehicle regulation chips, smart cockpit, artificial intelligence AI, software quality, functional safety, high-speed vehicle communication, electromagnetic compatibility, network and data security.


May 28-30, 2024

Suzhou Shishan International Conference Center

May 30, 14:00-17:00

System-level electromagnetic compatibility session