News Center Company News

School-Enterprise Integration, Promote Development Together丨Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Teachers and Students Visit and Exchange


On July 5, more than twenty teachers and students from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) School of Electronic Information Engineering/Integrated Circuit School came to Rflight to carry out cognitive internship, and the company's deputy general manager Zhu Bin, chief technical engineer Chen Mingfu and other personnel participated in the reception.

Vice General Manager Zhu Bin led the students to visit Rflight's cultural exhibition hall, product manufacturing line, R&D and testing center, system assembly workshop, etc. He introduced thecompany's innovation and development history, product production environment, key R&D equipments and so on.

Mr. Li Rongming, Chairman and General Manager of Rflight and Vice President of Nanjing Alumni Association of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), expressed his warm welcome to the visiting teachers and students, and said that Rflight has been exploring the field of aerospace and hopes that the two sides can continue to deepen the exchanges between the university and enterprises, promote the deep integration of industry and education, and jointly promote the development of the industry.

Finally, Mr. Chen Mingfu, Chief Engineer, told the visiting teachers and students in detail about the core products, technical team, market ecology and industry prospect of Rflight, and encouraged the students to grasp the basic knowledge of their majors, pay attention to the accumulation of practical experience, and work hard to add bricks and mortar to China's aerospace industry.

Through the on-site visit and lecture introduction, students systematically understood the development, products, technology and other aspects of Rflight, deepening their understanding of Rflight, and the atmosphere of on-site exchanges was warm.

In the future, Rflight will also actively build a bridge between universities and enterprises to transform results, promote the organic convergence of industry chain, education chain and talent chain, and create a virtuous cycle of talent leading the industry and industry convergence of talents, so as to promote the development of the enterprise and the progress of the industry to build up momentum and increase energy.