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2023 Automotive Technology and Equipment Development Forum: Rflight boosts the high-quality development of automotive industry with innovative power



From August 21st to 23rd, 2023 Automobile Technology and Equipment Development Forum, co-sponsored by Equipment Industry Development Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Suzhou Municipal People's Government, and China Academy of Automotive Engineering Corporation (CAECO), was grandly opened at Suzhou Shishuang International Conference Center. As one of the main sponsors, Rflight was invited to attend this forum.

Rflight showed up at Booth A09 with its automotive performance testing solutions, Rflight Cloud Platform and its series of new products, and made special reports on “Research on Automotive Performance Testing Technology in Complex Electromagnetic Environment Scenarios” and “Localized Replacement of Broadband Power Amplifiers for Automotive Electronics”.

Thematic Sharing - Firming Independent Innovation, Walking the Road to Enlightenment


On the afternoon of August 23, in the theme forum of “Automotive Intelligent Testing Equipment Innovation and Development Forum”, Mr. Li Rongming, the chairman of Rflight, made a special report on “Research on Automotive Performance Testing Technology in Complex Electromagnetic Environment Scenarios”. In view of the increasingly complex electromagnetic environment challenges of automobiles, Rflight carries forward the spirit of innovation, launched the new energy vehicle complex electromagnetic scene construction and wireless communication performance monitoring solutions, and based on the Rflight cloud platform and intelligent test system platform, realizes the new energy automobile complex electromagnetic environment scene of intelligent detection and measurement for the commercialization and popularization of Telematics and autonomous driving, and protects and safeguards the commercialization and popularization of Telematics and automatic driving, with the core value of fine work and high quality products. With the core value of precision and excellence, we are traveling steadily on the road of innovation and development.


In addition, Liu Qi, Technical Director of Rflight, made a special report on “Localized Substitution of Broadband Power Amplifiers for Automotive Electronics”, which introduced in detail the core technological advantages of Rflight's power amplifier solutions and benchmark cases, and showed Rflight's determination and strength in adhering to independent innovation and building a national brand.

Booth exchanges--Exhibition of sophisticated products, seek synergistic development

During the forum, the Automotive Technology and Equipment Development Expo was held simultaneously. In Rflight's booth A09, 10,000-watt power amplifiers, AR radio monitoring equipment, intelligent power amplifiers and other products attracted the attention of leaders and experts from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the municipal government. Mr. Li Rongming, the chairman of Rflight, made a detailed introduction of the product performance and corresponding system applications and solutions. Meanwhile, he actively communicated with the exhibitors and friends to strengthen collaboration and interaction and jointly promote the development of the industry.


Interview with Rongming Li, Chairman of Rflight

1, Complex electromagnetic environment EMC radiation immunity system equipment


Rflight provides test amplifiers to meet the EMC radiation immunity, high current injection (BCI), handheld transmitters, radar waves, etc., covering the whole vehicle ISO11451, ISO11452 series of related standards for parts and components, and has launched a 10,000-watt continuous wave power amplifiers, rated at 10,000W, with a frequency coverage of 10kHz-100MHz, which can meet the relevant EMC immunity test standards for the whole vehicle, ISC11451-2, SAEJ551 and car companies. ISC11451-2, SAEJ551 and car companies and other related EMC immunity test standards.

2. Rflight Cloud Platform


Based on the virtual machine operating system to build the side cloud collaboration Rflight cloud platform, compared with the traditional PC architecture, can provide elasticity, scalability and flexible platform resource management, suitable for large-scale and frequent changes in demand for the test system.


Rflight cloud platform carries multiple business modules such as electromagnetic compatibility testing system, radio monitoring system, instrument application software platform, etc., and integrates technologies such as air software download system, blockchain, VR, AR, image recognition, voice input/output, and robot, etc., which are widely used in the fields of automobile, medical care, electric power, chips, components, mobile communication, and universities.

3. Intelligent power amplifier


In order to keep up with the development trend of Industry 4.0 era, Rflight has developed and built NTW series of intelligent cloud amplifiers, which are equipped with many features of cloud platform and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, realizing the fusion of electronic measuring instruments and intelligent IoT, and having the advanced advantages of intelligent IoT technology.


The cloud amplifier embedded Internet of Things operating system, the development of cloud amplifier function applications on this system, can be accessed through wired and wireless networks to the cloud platform, based on the APP factory of the application software management platform of the Rflight cloud platform, the third party can develop different amplifier control and application software, to realize the amplifier cloud.

With the rapid development of automobile electrification, intelligentization and internetization, the challenges of complex electromagnetic environment faced by automobiles are increasing day by day. In order to guarantee the performance of automotive wireless communication and ensure product quality, Rflight will further increase R&D investment, accelerate product update speed, improve solution system to further meet the market demand, and continue to promote the high-quality development of the automotive industry with the power of innovation!